Fresh, responsibly sourced, Yunnan coffee
What our customers think...

Best part of the testimonials goes here...
Display testimonials here and make them more skimmable by adding a teaser or the best part from the testimonial as a headline. A good testimonial can make all the difference to your conversion rates.
Vaggelis // Manufacturer

The best kinds of testimonials are...
The best kinds of testimonials are ones that tell a small story and include specific details. This is much more powerful than a generic testimonial that simply say "I love this product!" or something similarly vague.
Marc // Business Analyst
Hi, I'm Henk
Craft coffee is something I learned about in August '22, when I ordered my first bag of Hani, Yunnan Washed, Medium-Roast. I bought it because the company owner is Dutch and I was curious about the quality of the product.
Boy, was I in a for a surprise. Never before had I experienced such a gentle, flavor rich, coffee taste. On occasion, I would drink the blends I used to have before. But this only made me appreciate the Hani products even more.
I am stoked to be part of the Hani team, to share my journey, and to make your day a tiny bit happier with the best craft coffee I know.